You are Welcome

Welcome to the HUB!
You are welcome to the Manifest International HUB in the majestic mountains of North Carolina, USA. God has done a miracle in providing this wonderful place for us and it is our joy to share it with you for His glory.
We invite you to join us as we settle into the land and ramp up to the spiritual training schedule God has given us for the HUB. While you are here, I pray that you will experience the life-changing power of God in ways that draw you deeper in your relationship with Him, provoke you to a greater pursuit of His Kingdom, and equip you to love and serve others like never before.
May the Lord abundantly bless you as you make your way to us at the HUB.
By His grace,
Wendy Bowen
Soyez des faiseurs de la parole et non seulement des auditeurs ...
-James 1:22
The Heritage of the Property
We are so thankful that this property has been consecrated to the Lord's service for the past twenty-three years. Dave and Margie McCrum, who had previously been missionaries in Haiti, received a vision from God for an end-times refuge for God's people. God provided this property for them and by faith, they built it from a bare mountainside to four beautiful buildings, fantastic mountain roads, and other amenities we have today for the benefit of God's people. Much of what you see here has been built with their own hands.
We are truly so grateful to Dave and Margie for their labor of love in the Lord in this place. We honor them, bless them, and remember them in our prayers as we press on into the new season God has in store for this glorious land.
Interesting Note: The Ark building (pictured here) derives its name not from Noah's Ark but from the Ark of the Covenant. Just as the glory of God was with Israel in the Ark, we are reminded that the glory of God dwells with us and that this property has been dedicated completely to Him.

Introduction to the HUB
Come and join us for the new things God is doing! The HUB is designed by God to be an international equipping center for people from all nations to all nations and an end-times refuge for God's people. Come for a spiritual retreat, Biblical training, ministry equipping, and fellowship with believers from all over the world.
Spiritual Retreat
We welcome you to join us in this holy place for pursuing God and His Kingdom.* Take time to disconnect from the world and its pressures so that you can reconnect with God.
While you are visiting us, it is our desire for you to hear from God, experience His presence, and enjoy fellowship with the Lord and His people.
Please see the HUB Schedule for our regular meeting times of prayer, worship, and study.** Do your best to come to the HUB with the right mindset.
* Those not aligned with this purpose will be asked to leave.
** All visitors must check in upon arrival at the HUB.

Spiritual Training
The HUB is is an equipping center for everyone to grow in our knowledge and service to God. This means that all of us are in training… including you!
Each of our scheduled training sessions is focused on various aspects of growing in revelation and experiential knowledge of God, His Word, and His ways. As a vital part of hands-on training, we encourage our Guests & Visitors to participate as the Lord leads and as is appropriate in each session. This said, please be submissive to the appointed leaders for each session.* We seek to maintain the flow of the Holy Spirit according to God’s order for our times together. (See 1Corinthians 14:40) Please review our Ministry Disclosures.
*Those who are disruptive or seek to establish unauthorized or separate groups will be asked to leave.
Overnight Accommodations
& Fellowship Meals
We offer simple and comfortable overnight accommodations at the HUB and provide healthy, grab-and-go or family-style meals free of charge every day.*
Overnight Guests MUST apply in advance and may apply to stay at the HUB for up to one week. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be placed in a room with a few others of your same biological gender. Each room sleeps 2-4 people.
Meals are provided in our dining areas according to schedule so that everyone can attend our trainings and services.
Please be sure to come to the HUB with the right mindset.
*Please understand that we cannot accommodate special food preparation requests. If our food does not meet your specifications, there are grocery stores and restaurants nearby.

Practical Service in God's House
All kinds of service matters to God! There are many projects to be done, especially as we settle into the HUB property and ramp up to our full training schedule.
Day Visitors and Overnight Guests are encouraged (but not required) to serve with us in practical ways. If you are willing to share your skills with us, please fill out the Volunteer Service Form so that we can assess how your abilities might align with our current needs and priorities. Please be sure to let us know if you have special skills or expertise that you are willing to share with us.
We are truly thankful for your willingness to serve while you are here. We pray for everyone who serves at the HUB and we know God will richly bless you for it!