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The Pure Word of God
In her early days of living by faith, Wendy read the Scriptures to know God and understand His ways as if her life depended on it... because it did. It still does. Over the course of years of study and devotion, Wendy has continued to limit her focus to the pure Word of God, and encourages everyone to do the same.
This said, there have been books along the way that have been encouraging, confirming, and meaningful in her walk with God. Below is a list of some of the books from her own personal journey with Jesus that she would recommend.

Devotionals & Courses
Waiting On God, Andrew Murray
My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers
Streams in the Desert, L.B. Cowman
Jesus Calling, Sarah Young
100 Days in the Secret Place, Guyon, Fenelon, Molinos
Joyful Surrender, Rolland & Heidi Baker
Gary Whetstone: School of Biblical Studies
Your Liberty in Christ
Victory in Spiritual Warfare
Healing is for Today
True Success
Faith: Jesus’ Life in Action
Francis Frangipane
In Christ's Image
Books Listed by Author
Andrew Murray
Waiting On God
Absolute Surrender
Abide in Christ
Watchman Nee
Sit, Walk, Stand
Release of the Spirit
Let Us Pray
Prayer Ministry of the Church
Art Katz
Apostolic Foundations
True Fellowship
The Holocaust: Where Was God?
Philip Keller
A Shepherd's Look at Psalm 23
Francis Fenelon
Let Go
Jessie Penn Lewis
War on the Saints
The Leading of the Lord
John G. Lake
The Collected Works of John G. Lake
Michael Brown
Not Afraid of the Antichrist (w Craig Keener)
Our Hands are Stained with Blook
Rolland & Heidi Baker
Birthing the Miraculous
Living Under Water
Joyful Surrender
Visions Beyond the Veil (H.A. Baker)
Derek Prince
They Shall Expel Demons
Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose
Oswold J. Smith
The Revival We Need
The Man God Uses
Scot McKnight
The King Jesus Gospel
Frank Viola
From Eternity to Here
Finding Organic Church
Pagan Christianity
Francis Chan
Crazy Love
Letters to the Church
Robert Heidler
Messianic Church Arising
Apostolic Church Arising
Charles Newbold
The Harlot Church System
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All Videos

1: The Gospel is the Power - Introduction