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God has made provision for us through His Word. There are treasures hidden throughout the Bible. We are to seek out these treasures for ourselves in order to experience the love, power, and salvation of God. In this book, Sheila Kay leads readers to these treasures of God’s Word by escorting you through the promises of God.

  • Promises leading the lost to the cross of salvation.

  • Promises bringing healing to our body or the body of others.

  • Promises of hope and comfort to those who mourn and feel all alone.

  • Promises directing us on the path of life and in the way the Lord has for us.

  • Promises giving us the ability to lay hands on the sick and know that they will recover.

  • But also, promises of punishment in hell for those who rebel against God.


Receive answers to your prayers by taking hold of God’s promises for your life today!


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"There is miracle-working Power in HIS Word!

I encourage you to bring the promises within these pages to His remembrance.

These promises are for YOU!"

ABOUT Sheila Kay

Sheila Kay is the founder and director of Restoring the Broken Vessel Ministries. Through outreach, teaching, and evangelizing, she teaches from God's Word for today's woman. Sheila is available for Conferences, Seminars, Retreats, and Women's groups, giving testimony of the miracles, signs, and wonders God has bestowed upon her through the wonderful Holy Spirit.

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